Lower Columbia CAP


Lower Columbia Community Action Program (CAP) was formed in 1964, as part of President Johnson’s War on Poverty. That means Lower Columbia CAP is one of the longest running self-help programs for low-income families in the United States! For more than 45 years, Lower Columbia CAP has been in the business of helping people realize their goals for a better life for themselves and their families. By giving them a hand up – not a hand out – Lower Columbia CAP helps people to be successful in their lives, and that means a better, stronger, healthier community for all in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties.

Basic to the philosophy of Community Action is that the community itself identifies and works together to solve its most pressing problems. Over the years, in response to community needs, Lower Columbia CAP has founded a number of programs that grew into important, vital organizations themselves; including the Family Health Center, the Emergency Support Shelter, Ethnic Support Council, Head Start, and the Saturday Farmers Market. Please visit Lower Columbia CAPs website to learn more about this Community Action Agency.

LOWER COLUMBIA COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM MISSION: “Building healthy communities, one family at a time.”

