Community Action

The Promise of Community Action

Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

Community Action Agencies

Community Action Agencies (CAAs) are nonprofit private and public organizations established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to fight America's War on Poverty. Community Action Agencies help people to help themselves in achieving prosperity. There are approximately 1,000 Community Action Agencies serving the poor in every state as well as Puerto Rico and the Trust Territories. Washington State has 30 CAAs. To learn more about our national partner, the Community Action Partnership, click here.

CAAs address causes of poverty, not the symptoms, which means CAAs work to ensure their community offers everyone opportunities to become economically secure, and invests in individuals and their families who are striving to develop skills.

Local Solutions to Local Problems

Community Action Agencies (CAAs) are governed by a tripartite board of directors. A tripartite board means the representatives must reflect a unique composition of:

  • at least one-third members from the low-income community

  • exactly one-third public elected officials

  • up to one-third of members from the private sector

In addition, CAAs are required to conduct a comprehensive Community Needs Assessment at least once every three years. This means CAAs are out in the community talking to residents, neighbors, community partners, service recipients and tax-payers about what community needs are being overlooked and how to fix them.


Community Action Agencies would not be successful without the overwhelming support of community members who volunteer their valuable time and talents.

To learn more about how you can assist your local Community Action Agency, you can find your counties Community Action Program.